Budi Setiawan, UI SYLFF Fellow Visits Manila

Manila has been experiencing a dry spell... until Budi Setiawan arrived and brought the rains with him. :-) Budi visited Manila to learn about the PhilHealth system as part of his work with ASKES, a Health Insurance Specialist in Indonesia. He was also personally interested in the Gawad Kalinga project. Fortunately, he was able to visit Brookside, a Gawad Kalinga Village managed by Ateneo. We invited him for dinner on a Wednesday, August 8, 2007 but we had to cancel due to heavy rains and floods. That Friday (Budi's last evening in Manila), we met up at Gateway Mall. Budi presented each of us with his work calling card and, to our surprise, a SYLFF calling card (alert: Great Idea!). Budi serves as the General Secretary of the SYLFF Local Assocation of the University of Indonesia. Over dinner, we exchanged stories as long-time friends would. Budi shared his impressions and experiences of SYLFF with us. Budi and Kate will be meeting each other again at the Building a Better Asia Retreat in Beijing this September 2007.

Budi together with Sherilyn, Kate, and Pau at Gateway Mall

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